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Tag: assets

Articles tagged as Assets

Pierce the Corporate Veil

Posted on September 16, 2023 by Manuel Yoon
The corporate structure of one's business provides shelter for the personal assets.There are many events which will result in a judge to overlook the corporate entity or "pierce the organization veil." There are many reasons why the organization veil could be pierced.Additionally, there are several simple actions that can be done to avoid the organization veil from being pierced.The corporate veil could be pierced in case a party is tricked or misled into coping with the corporation instead of a person...

Why You Need A Business Entity?

Posted on December 10, 2022 by Manuel Yoon
When starting or expanding a business, many owners wonder if they should form a business entity and, if so, which one they should use.There's a huge selection of information and"pitches" being made on the Internet regarding the benefits of certain entities versus others.When you cut through the flak, however, the principal reason for forming a business entity is to create protection from personal liability arising from your business activities...